License: Freeware
- Searches the specified web page for the specified text
- If a match is found notifies of the event
- New parameter to alert when a match is not found
- Creates a link or directly opens your web browser to the web site
Web Page Search Tool is a search tool that can search a web sites source code (HTML) for any kind of text. If a match is found it notifies of the event and creates a link or directly opens Internet Explorer to the web site. Also see my walk through on scheduling a web page search.
Web Page Search Tool Parameters:
Web Page Search Tool.exe [-e] [i] [m] WebPageAddress Search Term
Expel HTML tags and special characters in the web site HTML code from the search
Does an inverted search meaning you will be alerted when a match can not be made
Does a search for an exact match of the upper and lower case letters in your search term
This is the URL of the web page that will be searched
Search Term
This is the text that you want to search for. The search term should have quotations around it if it contains spaces.
I have a friend who attended one of the final tapings of The Price is Right with Bob Barker as the host. I told him I could record the episode on my DVR for him and burn to DVD as a gift. I had told both my DVRs to record the episode but unfortunately they both missed the first 30 seconds to a minute which would be the part of the show he would have possibly shown up in. Disappointed that I had not told the DVR to recode a minute or two before the show started I decided I should be able to record the show as a rerun. I found that CBS lists the air dates and original tape dates along with the show # on their website. I know that Im not going to check the site every week to see when the episode I want may come on so I tried to research a tool to do this for me. To no avail I gave up the search after an hour or so and decided to write a basic program to do this for me. Thus comes in to existence my Web Page Search Tool! Also see my walk through on how to scheduling a web page search using Windows Task Scheduler.
- Tested on Windows Vista
- Tested on Windows XP
- Tested on Windows 2000
Release notes:
V 3.3.1 - New version in .NET. Usability and functionality updates.
V 3.2 - Final release in Visual Studio 6. To download this version click here
V 3.1 - Added launch web page through your default internet browser
V 3.0 Added ignore parameter
V 2.9 Added Match Case parameter
V. 2.8 Added invert search parameter
V 2.7 Added ignore special characters functionality
V 2.6 Added ignore HTML tags functionality
V 2.5 Updated GUI functions
V2.4 Bug check build
V 2.3 Enhanced search capabilities
V 2.2 Added Match Case check box
V 2.1 Bug Fix: Run-time error 35752, URL is malformed
V 2.0 - Updated with a graphical user interface
V 1.2 Bug Fix: Parameter not handled correctly
V 1.1 Added cleanup of temporary web page
V 1.0 First public released version
Download link:
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